I feed, I change, I wipe, I kiss booboos: I am mommy.

Monday, September 8, 2014

I Cut Back on Caffeine and He's Still Cranky

I cut back on caffeine and Gabriel is still cranky at night, it's not fair.  On average Gabriel cries to the point of hysterics 5 out of 7 nights a week.  When he was about 4 weeks old I started a diary of my caffeine and dairy consumption.  I assumed that it was my fault that he fussed every night. I paid attention to what I was eating and researched "gassy" foods.  I scoured the internet for articles on colic and referenced Dr. Sears' books. I was determined to find answers.  The problem I faced was that each web page and book gave different "facts" and advice.  I grappled with who to listen to.  I have consulted our pediatrician and in the end it seems that our baby cries because he is a baby, and that's what babies do.  He might be gassy one night, his gums may hurt another.  He may be overtired or "mad" because I put him down to use the bathroom.  I will never truly understand so each night I will continue to nurse him, burp him, rock him, wrap him, unwrap him, bounce him, shake rattles, stand under the ceiling fan and beg him to please stop crying so hard.  Some nights nothing I do will make a difference and some nights it will.  I will continue reading article looking for the panacea and will continue drinking less caffeine than I would like.  In the end my child will eventually sleep no matter what I do or how confused I become by conflicting research.  I will try my best to enjoy this time with him as I am often reminded that it won't last (and am secretly grateful that it won't when his crying is at its worst).  One day he will be a beautiful toddler just like his big brother and instead of crying he will bat his eyelashes and beg to sleep in my bed with me.  I will intentionally forget how hard these nights were and begin drinking way too much caffeine.

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