I am a strong advocate of breast feeding. I will be the first to respond indignantly at the ignorant comments I read about public nursing. I will never understand why feeding your baby in public raises such controversy and why it is anybody's business but a baby's and its mother.
That being said I had to face the truth today that I feel uncomfortable nursing in public.
When asked by other mothers I often respond that I am ok with it, just not in restaurants. I am not one who likes to draw unnecessary attention.
Recently I sat outside of State St. Market in Northampton with my husband and children. We were in the shade so no need to block my baby's eyes from the sun. The temperature was pushing 90 so covering him with a blanket seemed unfair. I had on a nursing tank top, easy open and close. So, I began feeding him. But he wouldn't latch. He played and exposed my nipple numerous times. I started to become frustrated, people were walking by. He eventually began to eat.
A large truck pulled up. I kept hoping it would park in any one of the spots on the street, not the one directly in front of us. And then there it was, right in front of me, dirt bikes in the back and 3 men emerging.
I had to face the truth... I am a strong advocate of nursing in public, I am infuriated by those who pass judgment against it, and I am very uncomfortable doing it myself.
I really like this post. It shows how complicated something as natural as nursing can be.