I feed, I change, I wipe, I kiss booboos: I am mommy.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


One of the most difficult decisions I have made is to become a stay-at-home mom.  Fear led me to believe that we couldn't survive on one income, especially if we had a 2nd child.  As I sit home with my 3 1/2 year old and my 4 month old I think a lot about our finances and how to make it work.  I think that we benefit a lot from the choices we made early on.

One of the best pieces of advice given at a first time homebuyers course was to never be "house poor." So despite our larger income we chose a small 3 bedroom ranch in a suburb of a large city.  We have subsequently refinanced our mortgage and can afford payments on one income. 

We no longer pay for full time day care (for 2 children we would have paid over $2000 a month).  We have been able to reduce our student loans to a reasonable amount (using an income based repayment plan).  We are blessed with a friend who gives us all of her boys' clothing as they grow out of them and regularly shop at consignment stores.  My husband grows a garden and we make our own baby food.  We have a wonderful family who chips in and helps us out in a bind, some of our binds being bigger than others. 

I realize that this wouldn't work for everyone.  We have chosen a certain lifestyle.  We drive 2 used cars (one gifted by my parents).  I don't have a smartphone (or internet on my phone for that matter) and my husband uses a pay as you go phone.  We don't have cable.  But as I stand here writing this at 8am on a Tuesday I am bouncing my 4 month old in a wrap while still in my nightgown.  My oldest is playing with his own toys. 

Fear of not having enough almost kept me from making this choice.  When I left the workforce our income was cut in half.  For almost 2 years we have survived and I know that I will never regret making the choice to spend my days with my little ones. 

1 comment:

  1. I was afraid, too, but I love that our babies are with their mommy ,,, and daddy during the summer. We now have to figure out how to live on no salary, so we all can be together.
